Tight Lines Brings Best April Fishing!
April brings a lot of vanity to the waters of Palm Beach. Large king, dolphin, sailfish and Bonitos will be the fish of choice. If you can find the bone heads (bonitos) pull out the light tackle rod and hold on. These fish may not be great to eat, but they will test any light tackle rod you have. If you catch any bullets (small bonitos), try putting one on a hefty rod and slow troll it behind the boat for a blue marlin. Big kings and Wahoo will also eat these fish, so be ready. To target dolphin consider trolling. This is a good approach when its rough. Don’t forget when you get into a nice school leave one in the water boat side, to keep the rest of them interested.
Another awesome fish to catch is the black fin tuna. These fish like low light conditions. Chumming with cut sardines will bring these fish to the boat. These fish thrive on small live bait, So good luck.
Also Amber jacks will be around the deep-water wrecks, along with 10 plus muttons. Theses fish love live goggle eyes and small runners. Set your drift way ahead of the wrecks and keep your eyes on the fish finder. When you hook one of these fish reel as fast as you as can, to keep these fish out of the wrecks and away from the sharks.
​For you guys that like inshore fishing, the tarpon will be showing up around the inlet on the out going tide. These fish will be hunting for shrimp and crabs. Purchace some hand pick shrimp from your local tackle shop, and free line these on light leader and small hooks.
– Capt. Weston Russell