Welcome to the March Coastal Angler Magazine's fishing forecast for Palm Beach, Singer Island and Juno Beach, Florida. Prepare yourself for some epic fishing this month. March is a time of year with alot of sportfishing
opportunity. Why you ask?? Well...with the merging of winter fishing and summer fishing, you can catch everthing from Sailfish to Tarpon. That's fun!
For you offshore guys, there will be big Dolphin roaming the edge looking for something to eat. The best days will be after a hard NE wind. If a Sailfish is on the list, head south to the breakers. Start your drift in 150...if you're drifting in towards shore, be ready for a smoker Kingfish to crush your bait. Snapper fishing will be heating up in the 130 ft range of water. Remember that long leaders work the best. Also on the agenda, the drag screaming Black Fin Tuna also will be stopping by. If you're looking for a 35lb plus, you better be using live bait. Good luck!
For the inshore guy, the Palm Beach Inlet will still be hot. Hard fighting Jacks, Sheephead and Tarpon will be waiting on the tides to swallow your bait. Light tackle is the way I fish inshore, If you take a ride down the beach, keep an eye out for Cobia, they will be cruising with the Rays heading south. Cobia like fast moving lures. I use a jig with a curly tail. They seem to never pass it up. Tight lines!