Welcome to the October fishing forecast for the waters in and off North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Shores, Singer Island and or West Palm Beach, fl . Get your fishing kites dusted off and check your kite rod swivels for corrosion, Because the wind will be blowing and big fish will be moving into the area this month. If you have never kite fished, your missing out on some “Reel Intense” fishing action. The setup can be purchased at any offshore tackle shop. I encourage you to give it a try. Dolphin, Kingfish and Wahoo also can be landed on the kite this month. Wow!
Snapper fishing will still be good and the wrecks will be holding some monster muttons and Amberjacks. If your fishing the deep water wrecks, your going to need to beef up your tackle, also There is always a chance for a nice Grouper. heavy leads (10oz) and long leaders ( 60lb pink ) is a must, also leave that snoopy rod at home, your going to need something with power and fast retrievel.
For The inshore fishermen. The Mullet run will be in full swing. There’s nothing like Doing battle with a silver giant ( tarpon ) on light tackle. Other species to target for inshore include Snook, Trout, Jacks and sharks. Bluefish have also been prevalent and willing to take any live bait in there presence. This month is great action for the kids, So grab your fishing rods and experience nature at it’s best. Good luck and remember ” you cant catch them from the couch ” If you would like to learn pro- guide tacktics. contact Capt Weston Russell at www.reelintensefishing.com
– Capt. Weston Russell